Support for our community

Like all of you, I have been following the devastating events in Israel and Gaza since this weekend.  To say that this is a heart-wrenching tragedy is a gross understatement.  The violence perpetrated by Hamas against the Israeli people is beyond horrific; the terrorist acts we have been witnessing are nothing short of heinous.  The depravity and inhumanity are simply beyond comprehension.  

Welcome to the New Academic Year

Welcome to a new academic year! I hope that your summers were full of adventure and renewal, with plenty of time to connect with loved ones and some quiet moments to savor, as well.

Our Commitment to Diversity

Today, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling that will prevent higher education institutions like ours from considering race as a factor in admissions decisions. While we must respect and abide by this decision, it’s important for you to know one thing: Our commitment to cultivating, welcoming, and supporting a diverse student body that includes individuals from a broad range of backgrounds and perspectives has notchanged and will not change.